How it works

DDS Visualization

Display your Shipping Orders (DDS)
Inside the portal, the carrier can view all the Shipping Orders (DDS) assigned from the customers, with all the data needed to collect them. It is also possible to view the DDS that you are delegated to collect by other transporters.

Select the DDS to load and create your Shipments
Is possible to select just with a flag all the DDS to collect and create the Shipment.
The information about the Shipment will be automatically communicated to the Admittance Office avoiding all the operation at the desk.

Book your Appointment  for loading / unloading goods
For each Shipment it’s possible to book an Appointment at the related warehouses just by indicating the arrival date and time and selecting one of the option proposed

Once the Appointment is defined the system creates the Travel Sheet that allows the FREE-PASS access (priority access).
The Travel Sheet will be sent automatically from the system to the carrier by email and will be made available on the smartphone.